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domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017

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Lego semi-auto gun v1.1

Here is the system of the trigger curved hole
Original mechanism
created by my dad.
(1 year ago)

In this picture you can see the shooting
mechanism and the rubber storage
The extra rubber is stored like a casual magazine.
More than one year after the first working gun created here at home, I have decided to create an updated version. This new model has improvements such as shot distance (now 5 meters), design and rubber storage system.


Since the creation of the original mechanism above, it hasn`t changed a lot but the distance and the strain energy in the rubber must be more powerful to achieve a longer shot length.
If you want to learn how to create the same mechanism click here.


My main goal for this new version was to add more realism and details by doing this curved arc around the trigger like normal guns. It didn`t take me so much time to think as I had already thought of it before but I had to think on the system which would attach both sides. The other main function I added to this gun was an extra ammo/rubber storage. It isn`t the most sofisticated and isn`t easy to store but I am sure that in future versions it will be something to improve.

I also hope you check out the video below which shows more or less the power of the gun.

Here is the gun put together

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2017

Lego city objects

Vending Machine
To add to my city buildings, I have decided to include some smaller creations which are also essential to make a lego town look realistic. I thought about every day things such as vending machines, bins, public parks or benches. On today`s post I am going to reveal the most detailed and the ones which I think are the best.

To start off I will present the one I am most proud of. This vending machine also incudes a coffee machine at its side and was made with no big planning ahead. I simply started building and I got this as a result (picture above). The pieces representing the glass is a normal sized door with a blue transparent piece atachable in both sides and the floor consists in dark grey 4x1 and 2x1 tiles. On the other side, the coffee machine was based on the one in the set 3182 and 8404 but I added some extra details as the coffee mug at the top.
Recycling bins
The second chosen model was the Payphone. I was rather lucky to have the perfect piece to represent the phone dial; it was an old brick from my dad´s collection and the rest is quite easy to find in my opinion. For the money entrance I decided to use the same brick as for the vending machine and now that I think the phone could also be tricky to find.
Finally, my last candidate was the recycling bin. As you might have noticed, the bins didn´t require as much bricks as the other creations - or at least without the floor. I just had those bin bricks and the only thing I added were the colors to show which type of waste the bin is for. You might have also noticed that I included a coin on the landscape. I usually like to put money on the city floor and more frequently than in a real town.

I am also going to dedicate a paragraph to the minifigure as I have chosen carefully the combination. All parts of this figure are from a different  set or series; the hair piece is from the ultra agents set 70164, the face is from the latest series (16) from number 15, the polo shirt is from the simpson series from number eight and the trousers are from the series 12 from number 10. My favourite part of this minifigure are the trousers because of the amazing and rare details. They originally come from the woman with the bow and are perfect for almost any lego figure.

Of course, the objects aren`t perfect and there are some things that could be improved for next time. If we look closely to the vending machine we realize that the money hole is quite high compared with the minifigure and if I move it one stud down it would be much better. Now looking at the Payphone,  I could also try to add a rope to represent the cable... or else the phone would be stolen!

So those are my three city utilities which you can also try and build. Some require a little above ten bricks and the vending machine would need over fifty.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016

Delightful December

Sadly, I didn´t manage to post the calendar in day 1 but at least I still managed to post it. As December is well known for Christmas, I have decided to decorate the calendar using this elf. Out of the package, it came with one teddy bear and a present. It contains a hair feature with ears to make them bigger and shorter legs. Though in the calendar I added one more teddy and a figure which is fishing.
Merry Christmas!

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2016

Lego Tram (set 8404) review

To celebrate the arrival of Santa, I am going to post my second review since this blog has been made. As I haven´t seen the 8404 set a lot, I have decided to review it to give you more information about the set. Now there has also been another similar railway product: the "Lego City Town Square", set 60097 also contains the kind of transport but instead, in orange.  Coming back to the 8404, the tram is 32 cm long, 8 cm longer than the green bus which is also a component of the same set.
Personally, I think that it was a marvellous idea to add this creation to the market and really admire the way it was built. I especially like the front and back windscreens and how they were incorporated to the model using simple pieces which look good overall. The weight factor didn´t show anything surprising compared to my other creations and most pieces seem to be standard and easy to find. Considering the structure it has it is compact except the roof which was probably designed to be removed easily and to generate an easier playing environment.

Cabin junction:

I have dedicated a whole section to this as I want to talk about all the benefits and disadvantages to the system. I have never really had any problem with it and shows to be very stable. One good point about it is that there are no flexibility limits except the pieces themselves. That makes it good for extreme manoeuvring or simply sharp turns on the lego train tracks. I think that there is nothing negative about this aspect though next time they could try to create the attachment with more simple pieces.


The wheels are also one of those things which are not that common but they function in perfection and smoothly. They do make some noise but I understand that the plastic can´t be silent.

Summing things up this was a great creation by the lego group and I give it a 4.7/5. With only a couple of mistakes, this build is one of my favourites in my collection.

Now that I have reviewed this interesting model here is a MOC using some of its pieces and becoming a totally new transport. I hope this gives you ideas for your own!

Yes!, it is a homemade lego cable car. As You can see I used the front and back windscreens of the tram for this creation and helped myself with the structure of one of the cabins. I was the main author of the cabin but then I needed help for the system in which my dad produced the movement. This is also related to christmas as it was done in those dates and includes the christmas tree to cheer up the photo!


To finish this post I have decided to show you the two trams face to face. Which one do you think is the best? What rating do you give each? Share on the comments below your favourite!
Image result for lego public transport station tram
Click here to check out the video about the model
Image result for town square lego tram
Click here to check out the photo better

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2016

Lego machine guns

AK-47 and UMP.45

Calmly, I have had time to develop and produce some guns to add some action to my lego area and today I have decided to show you some of my combinations. 
To be honest, I don`t really know much about guns, I simply enjoy making them so maybe I haven`t labelled them the most accurately but at least they are close enough, and most important for me; they look quite good. But a big part of the achievement was them being minifigure size which makes them much more playful and practical. In the other hand I think I should look better for a black piece instead of a grey one, at the back of some of the guns.

Well, to start of with this ´project` I first discovered how easily I could do the AK-47, and then it was all much easier. The only thing I had to do was combine them with other simple pieces and observe the final result. Still, there is a lot to experiment and see if I can do an even better production.
SIG550 assault rifle

sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016


Today I am going to start this new series in my blog so I can also show you my other hobbies, and vary from just lego MOC posts which is what I normally do. Here I have got a video of one of my best times on the 2x2x2 (the oficial smallest rubik´s cube there is):

If you don`t yet know how to solve the frustrating 3 layer 3D puzzle click here to see the tutorial in which I learnt from.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2016

Lego Table Tennis

side view
Image result for ittf logoStarting a new school year, table tennis has become a popular sport. For this reason, I have decided to create a quite simple table tennis table with two matching t-shirt female players. Considering the time and number of pieces it requires, it could be a good model for you to try at home and upgrade it to complex positions and results.
top view

Here are some piece number information:
Table: 21 bricks
Minifigures: 9 bricks
Total: 30 bricks
So, as a conclusion, with nothing but 30 bricks you can build this fun MOC set to have fun and play with!

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2016

Overloaded October

This month, I have also displayed the calendar above to help you through the month.
But as I have had lots of new minifigures recently I decided to create an exclusive monthly character edition with not just October related figures, but totally different.

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

Minifigure hunter

 My dad´s ability on LEGO based subjects can be prodigious. Recently, we have had very cool minifigures on the market and with Mr Correia those minifigures are guaranteed to be ours. Already five times in a row he has succeeded to encounter the wanted minifigure and every time faster. If he continues practicing and developing this rare talent, we are to find someone with potential.
Here is an exclusive single question interview I asked him:
Is it fun to go minifigure hunting?
Here we have a photo of his lego profile

quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

Lego ferrari f1

 FERRARI F1Image result for ferrari logo
I was getting out of ideas for a blog post so I decided to get the smartphone and start to take photos to my lego sets. But as I found this car, I got to it and started editting it creating this image.
This ferrari I own from lego speed champions is a set completed with the ferrari truck. The logos and how well it has been designed (even with the help of stickers) can clearly represent this iconic car.
the original photo
I am quite impressed and excited about this new set by the fact of how well the car was done. This updated version of the ´Lego SPORTS` has certainly improved and I really enjoy playing with it and having it in display.
I also tried to build a speed champions porsche though I haven´t got any spare long car bases and that would have to make me destroy the F1 or the lego city rally car which also has that common feature.
So I dedicated lego ´building time` to make other things or instead bigger cars.
Overall, I think this car could get a 4.5/5 on my scale.
It is just perfect, though if the use of stickers could be reduced it would be the best it could possibly be. (Even though being quite impossible as the minifigure size scale must include them to assure a magnificient result).