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domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017

Lego semi-auto gun v1.1

Here is the system of the trigger curved hole
Original mechanism
created by my dad.
(1 year ago)

In this picture you can see the shooting
mechanism and the rubber storage
The extra rubber is stored like a casual magazine.
More than one year after the first working gun created here at home, I have decided to create an updated version. This new model has improvements such as shot distance (now 5 meters), design and rubber storage system.


Since the creation of the original mechanism above, it hasn`t changed a lot but the distance and the strain energy in the rubber must be more powerful to achieve a longer shot length.
If you want to learn how to create the same mechanism click here.


My main goal for this new version was to add more realism and details by doing this curved arc around the trigger like normal guns. It didn`t take me so much time to think as I had already thought of it before but I had to think on the system which would attach both sides. The other main function I added to this gun was an extra ammo/rubber storage. It isn`t the most sofisticated and isn`t easy to store but I am sure that in future versions it will be something to improve.

I also hope you check out the video below which shows more or less the power of the gun.

Here is the gun put together

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