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domingo, 29 de maio de 2016

LONDON bus (November 2012)

 This was my dad´s "work" but it deserves to be in my blog. It has been chosen as an original and fun MOC so I am going to write a post about it.
This is a 1980 LONDON bus. As usual it is two floors tall and of course it is red. It´s not so difficult to do as it is not minifigure size too. But in our case we still had it complicated to do the windows correctly. (You can see we used the lego airplane windows from the set 3182).
It would also be a bit better if we had thinner wheels to match the width of the bus but that was the same problem in the Jeep willys - - so I guess it would be useful to have it.
Now, I am looking forward to building the Harry Potter knight bus as a MOC but I think it also requires the thin wheels!

LEGO power functions gun (2016)

It took me some time to approach this. That day I really wanted to try to do something cool but rare with these electrical functions so first I had the idea to create a simple minifig size automatic shooter. It worked well but it wasn´t enough for me. I believed that I could turn that system into a real sized automatic gun. In this picture I used the switch the other way around to build the trigger. For the battery I replaced it from the place that you hold the gun which stands out to be the correct size. Finally, the motor was put below where the rear sight would be.
The problem with it is that it can´t achieve very long distances because it is made for minifigure shooters or guns as the system is the mini blaster or ´multi` blaster.
In the future I could try other types of weapons such as mini guns or other bigger models which suit the blaster design and function better.

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016

LEGO piano (old version) 2013

If you look further down in my blog you will see that I had done another piano in 2015 which was obviously better than this one. Here, the notes are larger and don´t look very well. Even though it wasn´t my idea, in the recent piano MOC I used the white pieces that you can see in the right hand side of the image. Then I covered half of those 2x1s in half to make them look like the piano keys in the right size compared to the minifigure. I gathered that technique in the internet and used the pieces I had to create a similar model. This also has other benefits such as making the amount of notes of the piano seem more realistic. For example, as a piano has 88 notes, using this style of this model wouldn´t be very efficient (it only contains 9 notes) while the other would (which has over 20). Back to this one, the minifigure is actually a prisoner, I believe I had no other choice before because I had a much smaller range of LEGO bricks. The cool thing about it is that it has a music sheet and instead of being a vertical piano it is a grand piano. I guess I might do one this summer.

domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

More than LEGO

You could be asking yourself what do I do when I am not using my lego. Well, I´ve got a clear answer for that. Even though I also like drawing, this post is going to be focusing on cubing. I like to solve rubiks cubes!
But what has it got related to LEGO?
It´s quite simple really. With my dad`s help, we will try to create an EV3 rubiks cube solver. My dad is thinking of using the same system of the record holder robot in LEGO but I am not convinced that there are pieces that fit the design.
However, first (as we are not professional programers), our plan is to use instructions for our first try so that then we would have the simple idea how it works. Check out this video below.
 This is currrently the fastest LEGO cube solver called `cubestormer3 (CS3)´.
Before the record was done by cubestorrmer2 (CS2) solving it in over 5 seconds when I can only do it in 40!

 Still, because of that, I won the speech competiton, (an event held each year in my school).
Oh, and this is the cup and my cubes
Last year I did it on LEGO but sadly I did not win the final.

sábado, 7 de maio de 2016

AUDI supercar (September 2013)

Two months before I built "My MUM´s car" (a creation that you will find further in my blog) I built this modern AUDI. Looking at the techniques used in this model makes me think it was my dad who did it for example, the front lights were built horizontaly, a feature that I probably didn´t use at the time. But surprisingly it was me, the creator.
 A major advantage of this MOC is that it is minifigure size (kind of) and has opening doors and other functioning parts.
The front clearly looks like an AUDI though I doubt other bits didn´t look as good.

You can also spot that the doors are very simple, and fortunately look well with the model. Perhaps because the rest of the car is simple too.
Summing things up, I think that the simplicity and quality that was achieved in this model is in my "MOC top 3".

domingo, 1 de maio de 2016

Mother´s MAY!

In my case May is one of the most busy months including mother´s day, sports day and other events. The ones I´ve mentioned are represented in the title and the calendar; the cheerleaders for sports day.

Here is the monthly calendar: