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domingo, 29 de maio de 2016

LEGO power functions gun (2016)

It took me some time to approach this. That day I really wanted to try to do something cool but rare with these electrical functions so first I had the idea to create a simple minifig size automatic shooter. It worked well but it wasn´t enough for me. I believed that I could turn that system into a real sized automatic gun. In this picture I used the switch the other way around to build the trigger. For the battery I replaced it from the place that you hold the gun which stands out to be the correct size. Finally, the motor was put below where the rear sight would be.
The problem with it is that it can´t achieve very long distances because it is made for minifigure shooters or guns as the system is the mini blaster or ´multi` blaster.
In the future I could try other types of weapons such as mini guns or other bigger models which suit the blaster design and function better.

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